Monday, September 20, 2010

9 Years Ago

It's hard to believe it was nine years ago that I was great with child.  It was just following the terrorist attacks of 9/11.  I remember how worried I was that we may be going to war or that more attacks would follow, and here I was getting ready to bring a baby into this world. I had been on bed rest for nearly 3 months after pre-term labor started at a very early stage in my pregnancy.  I had been having contractions from that point on and was bedridden with a terbutaline pump that helped space the contractions apart. 

I remember so clearly the warm summer afternoon that I vacillated on whether or not to call the doctor. I had recently been given the ok to get off the meds and let things happen.  Since I'd been having contractions for months it was nothing out of the ordinary, but they were picking up.  I finally decided to call.  We took Jenna to her Mimi & Poppy's and headed over to the hospital.  I was dilated 3-4 centimeters.  They broke my water, and at 10:29 that night Jared McKade greeted us with his quivering lower lip. He looked sad and scared like he had so rudely been taken out of a really comfortable place and greeted with bright lights and strange people staring at him.

Like this:

One thing's for sure...time has flown by.  I am so thankful that we have been blessed with this boy.  He brings joy to our lives everyday!  Happy 9th Birthday, Jared!

Here's a little "slideshow" of him growing up...

We love you, Jared!


  1. Ohhhhhh my goodness!! *wipes tear* Such cute pics! I love the muscle man pumpkin one and my word he looks so grown in those last two!!

  2. He looks exactly the same all through the years. *sigh* so quickly it's moving by (and some days never seem to end - lol). Happy Birthday, Jared.

  3. Sweet, sweet, sweet! How come I feel so sappy and teary eyed when I view these pictures? I guess I am just a wee bit sentimental. Our babies are just getting too old too fast!

  4. Hey, what's the other HS blog you mentioned? With the salt map? You gonna link it or at least email me the link??? :)

    This post reminds me. One of us is going to need to remember to take a camera to karate eventually. Need pics for the blogs! Er, I mean for the scrapbook or whatever. I don't take pics just for the blog. Oh no sirree. Not me. Haha!
